The NRA is in trouble...again. Check out the basics on the most recent NRA news.
Our top picks for the best states to own a gun in can help you consider your next step - and possibly where you might want to move next.
Gun laws that ensure citizens the right to protect themselves with firearms are of utmost importance and yet local, state, and federal government agencies sometimes wear away at those rights with restrictive laws. 
There may not be much getting accomplished in Congress these days, but there have been some pro-gun victories this year. For anyone who knows the importance of the 2nd Amendment, legislation moving in the direction of protecting the rights of gun owners is something to celebrate.
In recent news out of Wilmington, North Carolina, there is a report of more than 30 guns being stolen in 2017 as a result of gun owners leaving their vehicles unlocked overnight with guns inside.
The 2017 HometownHero Banner Ceremony is being held on August 12 in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Attendees always...